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Another Day That You May or May Not Have. 10 Habits to Guide You.

Truth be told, life never gets simpler; rather, we learn better from the mistakes we continue to make over and over again—or do we? I often ask myself why we dim our light, by actively knowing what is right and what is wrong, saying what we do not mean instead of what we truly intend. Am I right? I am a firm believer in that statement, as I actively work on myself all the time, showing with action, not just talking about it. I have always been someone with intentions to change my surroundings into a better place. Perhaps it was the trauma from past relationships or not experiencing certain things in life that I now desire so strongly. Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you when you least expect it.

One of the most beautiful things in life that I can share with someone is what I have learned and overcome. Do you remember sitting with your grandparents when you were younger, listening to their compelling stories? Some days I cared, and some days I didn't, but looking back now, it was the light in them that sparked to tell me about their experiences and what I should try (or not do). If only I knew back then, right? Age is just a number, but I've aged like fine wine—that's all I'll say. But sitting here typing this out, I can't imagine life being different without the things I have lost, cried about, or learned from. Sure, I could have made things easier on myself at times, but that's not what life is about.

This post is specifically for my readers who reach out and always ask what they should do because they feel lost. Well, you know what? We are all lost until we find something worth doing. So keep searching, and along the way, help, love, be kind, and learn. Don't take things for granted, especially opportunities. I did it too, I hesitated because I was afraid or thought about the risks, but look at it this way: a risk is like a bet to me, and for me, I would bet on myself any day. Even if I don't win, I tried, and I will try again until I can say otherwise. That's what life is about—just keep going.

At the end of the day, we are all fighting the rat race. We all want nice things, freedom, money, and the list goes on, except time. So stop wasting it. I write because it makes me happy, and I can teach what I feel to others through my words. I live and have fun, but I am also someone who turned my life around and learned a lot. Many say to search for your purpose—wow, I dislike that statement because we all change every day, and minute to minute, life can be good, bad, sad, and so very unpredictable. Life is not about finding your purpose; it's about finding peace within what you love. Purpose is just a fancy definition, forcing someone to fit a category in life. If that were the case, most of us would be lost because I guarantee we are not living the way we want.

Here are ten easy habits I've developed for myself that you might find fitting into your routine:

  1. Journaling: I can't emphasize enough how much this helps with individual cortisol hormone levels. Whether dealing with stress, sadness, breaking bad patterns, or simply being goal-oriented and taking time for yourself.

  2. Reading one book a week: Yes, I know, a week! It's all about priorities, and remember, you are the main character of your life. It could be about love, money, investing, poetry, and more. If you have five minutes to scroll on your phone or listen to a TV show, you can surely read.

  3. Limit social media use: Instead of using social media as a crutch for boredom, seeking affection, or venting personal life issues, view it as a tool. Even when my accounts were hacked recently, it didn't bother me; I started anew because it was for business purposes only.

  4. Spiritual practices: I pray and meditate regularly, even multiple times a day. I'm not religious but am spiritual, practicing meditation, mirror affirmations, and breath work. I pray to the above and the unknown, finding solace in it.

  5. Prioritize health: I stay active as much as my body allows and try new workouts when I get bored. This year alone, I've tried spin, pilates, and weight training, loving all of them. Yoga is my go-to for mental clarity and stress release.

  6. Eat healthy: Opt for real, nutritious food over processed options. Research what's good for your body, understanding your hormones, and mineral levels to address the root of any issues.

  7. Networking and exploration: Actively network, meet new people, and have adult conversations with those on similar paths or who have achieved what you aspire to.

  8. Pursue your dreams: Don't give up on your dreams, no matter how distant they may seem. Work towards them every day, even if it's just a small step forward.

  9. Budgeting: I maintain a monthly budget plan, ensuring all bills are paid on time to build and maintain good credit. I also allocate funds for personal expenses, savings, emergencies, and investments.

  10. Learn to say no: It's simple yet powerful. If something doesn't align with your goals, don't hesitate to decline. Remember, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. " Albert Einstein"

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