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Easy Mornings & A Balanced Life:

"Easy Like Sunday Morning" is the tune that plays in my mind as I rub my eyes and begin the day. Most mornings come easily to me because I consciously choose to make them so. The night before, I prepare my meals, have my gym bag ready, and keep my journal on my nightstand. I firmly believe that how you end your day impacts your morning's success. Even though weekends can sometimes pass in a blur, I value the consistency of my days and make the most of them and most importantly time is something you cant get back and wish for more.

People often ask how I stay motivated, maintain a busy schedule, and find balance. My secret lies in staying committed to my goals. While I do live life to the fullest, occasionally, I may stray from my path. However, I've learned not to regret such choices, as they were necessary at the time. What truly matters is how you bounce back. The only race we are in is the one within our minds, and there's no finish line until we close our eyes one day and awaken somewhere beyond this world.

Life doesn't have to be complicated or filled with sadness; it's a matter of choice. Sometimes, all it takes is some quiet reflection. We should stop chasing our egos and avoid hurting those who show us kindness. Recently, I completed reading a book by Jay Shetty, "The 8 Rules of Love." As an author, I read, observe, and absorb information. Jay Shetty's podcasts, focusing on meditation, health, love, and partnership, align with my belief that these are vital components of a fulfilling life.

The book is divided into four parts followed by the 8 rules. Solitude, compatibility, healing, and connection. It emphasizes that love isn't something we are taught but rather influenced by external factors. To LOVE is to simply serve love. One rule that struck a chord with me is "Don't Ignore Your Karma." Funny word this one because many believe Karma as a bad thing when really "Karma is a mirror, showing us where our choices have led us," Instead of unconsciously allowing the past to guide us, we are to learn from our past to make better decisions. … When we learn from the past, we heal it." impressions, known as samskaras in the book shape our thoughts, behaviors, and responses. This is a great book for anyone who is wanting to go deeper into friendships, marriage or searching for a partner .

My nightly routine enhances my mornings. I read three books simultaneously, each serving a distinct purpose. One book typically relates to investing or real estate, aligning with my current pursuits. Another focuses on motivation and accelerated learning, aiding in personal growth. Before bed, I read poetry to calm my mind. The tune of "Easy Like Sunday Morning" often lingers, reminding me to cherish each day.

Have you ever woken up feeling grateful for being alive and pursuing your dreams? I do, regularly. I'm humble enough to know that life can change in an instant but grateful for the present. I share motivational blogs and my personal journey, not to impose my choices on others but to inspire them to envision a brighter future. What works for one may not work for all, and that's perfectly fine. In our fast-paced world, it's essential to discern what we can control from what we can't.

"Easy Like Sunday Morning" has become my joyful mantra. I relish the simplicity of my mornings and reject the notion that the grass is greener elsewhere. I firmly believe in being present with others, reserving phone use for designated work times. I don't believe that nothing or no one is out of reach; often, it's a matter of desire and determination. Creating a list of five things to do before bed can significantly enhance your mornings. So, embrace each morning with a smile, and remember, it's all up to you.

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