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Happy summer solstice. Open the closed door!

Just like that, it's the longest time of the year. The sun is shining, and longer days are ahead of us. Tomorrow is the full moon, and one of my favorite things to do is bask under the stars and the bright sky. Staring up into the abyss and open sky is like pressing a restart button on how your mind truly wants to operate. Dreams flow swiftly, like shooting stars. I'm not sure about anyone else, but I feel like some endings are near, and new doors and opportunities are just knocking, waiting to be invited in with a smile and faith.

I have so much appreciation for my friends, whom I call family, for being with me on this ride over the last few months. It hasn't been easy some days, dealing with personal things, but I am glad I can call my mind and heart a home. I often speak about being grateful for what you have because life changes so quickly. This year felt extra long, with all the rain and lack of sunshine. We all fell short of patience and love for ourselves and others, but we tried our best.

Let's talk about detours in life. The way we think things will go often leads us in a different direction. That seems to be the story of my life, to be honest. I love the images in my mind and the feeling when my fingers touch the keys of my laptop to write to all of you. Once a week for five years now, I have had a special person I look up to who guides me and pushes me to be better than I was yesterday. We speak little about mentors in life, but I think it's so important to recognize their impact. If it wasn't for the love and support at crucial times, I wouldn't be where I am today.

Things happen for a reason, luck is always on your side, and choices are dependent on you. I have made some mistakes in life, as we all have, but I believe I take something valuable from each path I choose. I work hard on my path in life because it means the most to leave a legacy behind. I want individuals to say, "Wow, she made an impact, she was driven, she went through hell and didn’t give up." Giving up has never been in my nature. Love has always been the idea in my heart, and I think it saved me in many hard times. Love for my family, my pets, myself, and the love of life that has not been taken away.

Summer solstice used to be a night full of socializing, drinking, and doing the same thing over and over again. This year is different. I'm drinking bubbly soda out of a wine glass, overlooking the lake and staring at my old age pup. The grays around his eyes and the peace I feel in my mind and heart knowing I did what I could today to be happy and make him happy is all I need. Life doesn't have to be tragic or painful. It can be confusing and daunting, but if something is meant for you, it will be easy and peaceful. If you allow that vibration, it will continue.

Life has been quiet after a few months of chaos. Even though I live with chronic pain and depression and don't speak about it regularly, I have found a way to allow myself to be okay with who I am because of the experiences that brought me here. If it weren't for those challenges, I would not still be fighting and pushing myself to be better. I love the woman I am today, I love the man I am with who can communicate with me and make me feel safe, I love my thoughts and my down days, and I love my writing and sharing this with my readers.

The reality of life is being able to share with others and let them know that mental health is always up and down, but it's important to talk and live through it. Life is important, you are important, and you are beautiful. So share if you seek help, or need a friend, or just a simple read. Happy summer solstice.

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