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Let's Talk Sex

To feel the warmth and touch, with the emotions that went with it. My frustration of not knowing my body no more.

We think we want sex, It's not always about sex. It's Intimacy we crave. To be touched, looked at, admired and smiled at. I wanna laugh with someone and feel safe.

"You're sexuality is a key part of your self-love journey, If you are shaming or suppressing your desires, the sex, your pleasures, means your suppressing yourself In other areas of life. Dive into your pleasures and get what your needing.

Now, I let my mind and body lead.

I only make noises that are consistent with what I'm feeling in my body.

I stay deeply connected to my breathe.

I speak up.

Eye contact.

Sex is weird. It's awkward at times, it can be incredible and loud, unpredictable and yet so pleasurable. Get to know yourself and partner.

Why do we celebrate the beginning of relationships but not the end?

A friendship, relationship is something to celebrate the love and growth you wanted and had at that present moment. Any relationship is a transition phase.

We shame breakups to avoid them, we pretend they didn't happen, hide our feelings and numb-out the pain, and then block the person. Again any relationship is a transition phase past or present .

A stroke can have an impact on your sex life and intimate relationships. I had to learn what SEX was, with the emotions that went with it. Intimacy usually denotes mutual vulnerability, openness, and sharing. It is often present in close, loving relationships such as marriages and friendships. The term is also sometimes used to refer to sexual interactions, but intimacy does not have to be sexual and i think that is what i craved the most!

  • Experiential Intimacy: When people bond during leisure activities. People may “sync up” their actions in teamwork or find themselves acting in unison.

    • Example: A friend and work buddy work together

developing a rhythm to their teamwork.

  • Emotional Intimacy: When people feel safe sharing their feelings with each other, even uncomfortable ones.

    • Example: A woman confides in her sister about her body image issues. She trusts her sibling to offer comfort rather than using her insecurities against her.

  • Intellectual Intimacy: When people feel comfortable sharing ideas and opinions, even when they disagree.

    • Example: Two friends debate the meaning of life. They enjoy hearing each other’s opinions and don’t feel the need to “win” the argument.

  • Sexual Intimacy: When people engage in sensual or sexual activities. When people use the word “intimacy,” they are often referring to this type.

    • Example: Two lovers engage in foreplay, knowing how each other prefers to be touched.

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