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Love and Loss: The planned goodbyes.

Good afternoon, my readers, family, and friends, and happy Family Day from Kelowna, BC. As I woke up this morning, my thoughts drifted to certain things, reflecting on how the past few weeks have unfolded in my mind and heart. Some of my clients and readers have reached out, expressing their longing for the Sunday blogs and noting that I haven't been writing as much lately. Writing, for me, is a deeply emotional process—it flows from the heart, sometimes filled with joy, sometimes with sorrow, and sometimes I find solace in documenting my daily life in my journal. Some days and events are meant to be kept private, and that's perfectly okay. However, this post has been on my mind for a while, and it feels fitting to share it now.

Those who know me well understand that my dog is my closest companion, my confidant, and without him, I wouldn't be here today. This post is dedicated to love and loss, particularly for those out there battling cancer—a relentless disease that forces us to confront the inevitability of saying goodbye to the people and things we hold most dear. As we age, we come to realize that everything around us ages too, succumbing to the passage of time. But how does one prepare for departure? How does one find acceptance in bidding farewell? My dog, now 13 years old, remains a brilliant and loving character who has captured my heart indefinitely. Yet, as I observe his slow ascent up the stairs, the shortened walks, and the emergence of grey hairs, I am reminded of the fleeting nature of time. It prompts me to contemplate the aging process not only for him but also for the cherished individuals in my life.

Living a full and enriching life entails cherishing the small moments—the simple joys that make life worth living. It involves gazing deeply into the eyes of loved ones, understanding that they convey more than words ever could, even signaling when the time for farewell approaches. It's a reminder to appreciate every interaction, every shared laugh, and every silent moment of understanding. And ultimately, it's about finding solace in the cyclical nature of life, embracing both the joys and the inevitable goodbyes that come with it.

Learning to say goodbye without selfishness requires a profound shift in perspective—a willingness to acknowledge and accept the natural course of life, even when it brings about painful farewells. Society often imposes expectations on how we should handle goodbyes, portraying detachment as a sign of strength and composure. However, reality is far more nuanced and complex. True acceptance comes from understanding that clinging to what is inevitable only prolongs suffering and denies the natural flow of life. It involves releasing the need for control and allowing the process of goodbye to unfold with grace and dignity.

In embracing the reality of goodbyes, one finds liberation from the weight of attachment and the fear of loss. It's an acknowledgment that life is a journey filled with transitions, each holding its own significance and purpose. By cultivating a sense of peace and acceptance, individuals can navigate farewells with a profound sense of serenity, knowing that while endings may be bittersweet, they also pave the way for new beginnings and continued growth. It's about honoring the memories, cherishing the time shared, and finding solace in the knowledge that love transcends physical presence, remaining eternally woven into the fabric of our existence.

In the grand symphony of life, love and loss compose the most poignant melodies, while planned goodbyes resonate as the harmonious notes that truly matter. Understanding that time never stands still amplifies the significance of every fleeting moment, infusing life with a profound sense of movement and magic. Embracing the wonder of life's journey, even amidst farewells, allows us to navigate the twists and turns with grace and gratitude. Each goodbye becomes a poignant reminder of the depth of our connections and the richness of our experiences. So, let us cherish love, honor loss, and embark on the ever-unfolding adventure of life with open hearts, embracing the beauty and mystery of where it leads us.

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