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The tallest buildings have started with just a dug-up foundation.

The tallest buildings have started with just a dug-up foundation, and the tallest trees were planted as seeds. So, the way I look at dreams is similar. Things are planted with a foundation in mind, destined to grow into what needs to be accomplished. In a room full of others, do you ever just sit there and wonder to yourself are they planting seeds and dreams in their minds, or do they feel stuck? Do they need guidance somewhere?

I had a client ask me the other day, after reading my book and completing my online course, that they did indeed feel different and had learned so much. However, it had awakened something inside of them that needed that push, that seed in the soil to plant the foundation of making things happen. The thing about change is that I don't believe it starts with action; it starts with emotion and thought. The build-up to action is what makes it happen. You have to have a 'why,' a feeling, so that the tiny seed can grow.

Let me ask you this, readers, If you plant a seed in soil where there is no rain, insects, or sunlight, will it grow? Probably not; it will just stay as a seed. What I'm saying is, you may feel the love to change or even the hurt that bullied you into change, but if you don't change your algorithm—like the mindset, what you feed yourself in books, people and life, or your surroundings—then you will always remain a seed in soil with big dreams.

Life is complicated at times, and it hurts, but it's okay to have that emotion. However, don't ever become an emotion.

When I mention changing your algorithm, I mean exactly that. And to those reading this, chances are you've contemplated the algorithm on your phone or computer, but it extends far beyond that. Three years ago, lying in a hospital bed, scrolling on my phone, I found myself engrossed in video after video of seemingly pointless content or wishing for things beyond my reach at the time. I listened to sad music, allowing myself to become the emotion I felt rather than channeling that feeling into growth. Now I limit nothing I want out of life.

I want you, my readers, to understand that this page and my course are unique, and I'm not trying to sell you anything because you can't be bought. but you can invest in yourself. Many motivational videos prompt you to invest a certain amount of money to change your life, but not everyone fighting to survive has the financial means to help themselves. Some of the best teachers are freely available online, spanning fitness, spirituality, business, and beyond. Google it or look them up—free access to knowledge from all over the world is at your fingertips. In life you buy things or you invest...

Lying in a hospital bed undoubtedly confined me, making me believe I needed to approach things in a certain way. However, that assumption was wrong. The first step I took was to cease being the emotion and understand why I was feeling that way. That's the "why" I was referring to. Go to the foundation and build from there. Suddenly, my algorithm shifted from passive watching to actively reaching out to people I wanted to learn from or sought guidance from. I wanted to invest in myself.

I stopped limiting myself. While it's tempting to take the easy route, sometimes using the tool the right way isn't the easiest because it still requires putting in the work. Action is not solely based on speed; though you may wish for things to happen quickly, progress at a small pace and find value in your algorithm. I've achieved more and feel more like myself than ever before. I cannot stress enough the importance of immersing yourself in environments and with people and things that bring about balance.

It's crucial to stop using your phone and computer as outlets for boredom and depression. Our algorithm encompasses our brain, heart, and body. Is spending five minutes a day nurturing that tiny seed worth more than spending five minutes checking what someone is doing on social media? Is going to the bar and spending $100 more worthwhile than investing in a $75 ticket to an event that teaches affirmations or tools to build confidence and step out of your comfort zone? One day, we all wake up and see the value in things that truly matter, yet some of us may not. I choose to spend my algorithm on learning, investing, and growth—how about you?

Let me know in the comments below or DM me personally.

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