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Unlocking the Dreams: Finding Life's Whispers Within.

The whisper of the wind is nothing more than the thought of something you couldn't create yourself. The wonders and fantasy land in the deep abyss of your mind are where you venture, unable to seek out the truth behind those walls. Yet, you still search for those moments of life beyond the dreams you seek. I wanted to write a post for my readers who are struggling right now, and for those in the progress of growing, as we all are. You might be stuck with those dreams that keep you up at night, or the fun-loving thoughts you ponder while walking alone or

. These are the ones you keep locked inside until they come alive. And I can tell you from experience, they can and will come alive if you can let them.

One thing I want to point out to my lovely readers is that seeking help for anything is not a downfall or something to be ashamed of. We truly only know what we know and can only learn from experience. To the individuals who have read my book, they have experienced the same guidelines I used for self-improvement in overcoming something that almost broke me. To this day, I still have trouble asking for help. But without breaking down those walls and putting myself first, that's when the mentors and help came in. Ask yourself questions like, "Am I happy where I am in this part of my life? Am I happy with the person I'm with? Am I happy looking at myself in the mirror and seeing that reflection looking back at me?"

There comes a time in someone's life when we just can't do or feel or know nothing more, and you can say, "I give up." Or you can say, "I am one hell of a resilient person. I don't give up, and I love the experiences I've gone through; they've taught me so much." Now, list out some things you've personally overcome and what you still want to achieve. We don't all have someone to pump us up towards our dreams, but at the end of the day, the only love you need is the love you give yourself. It takes immense doubt and hardship to truly pull yourself out and lead you to the life you want.

If I can leave one thing with you today, my dear readers, it is this: Don't settle. Don't settle for that job that pays for someone else's dream to live how they want. Don't settle for a love that has zero connection but offers temporary satisfaction. Don't settle on the boundaries you put out to the world to be used, and, above all, don't settle for a life that you know you have a greater purpose to serve. Money is just money; it comes and goes. Materialistic things can't be taken with you when you die. Think about how you want your family and friends to remember you. That's what not settling means.

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