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Beautifully Empowered:

The Gift of Gratitude by Natasha Mochrie


Your mind and emotions can be fooled into leading you to a broken Soul. Natasha Mochrie invites you to experience the sorrowful pain that led her into healing light. She never expected that life would throw such an immense challenge her way. Her beautiful story speaks straight to the longing each of us that begs us to reflect upon the wondrousness of our inner child’s strength. Ms. Mochrie’s poetic insights inspire the love we carry inside and cannot ignore.



"Beautifully Empowered: The Gift of Gratitude is an incredible encapsulation of the power of the human spirit. Natasha not only brings us along to experience the trials and tribulations of her transformative journey but reminds us that underneath pain and hardship there is always something beautiful to be uncovered. I am beyond grateful to have come across this book."


"Natasha’s book is heartfelt, deep, and inspiring. It grabs you from the start, she tells her story like she would to a friend and grabs your attention from the start and doesn’t let go. A true testimony for young people everywhere to awaken to a better life."

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"Once I started reading Natasha's story, I couldn't put it down. I was invested in every word, every sentence and every chapter.  The story brought me to tears and also gave me joy and hope, knowing that her story will inspire and help others who are going through pain, suffering, loss, depression and there truly is light at the end of the tunnel.


Her story of her mom singing "You're my sunshine", took me back to the times when I sang the same to my girls. We all want what is best for our children and Natasha's story brings so much hope and courage to families who may be going through tough times."


- Gordon So,


"Beautifully Empowered is a true caterpillar to butterfly narrative.  Natasha speaks with raw honesty and courage, sharing her journey as to how she came to terms with an event that would profoundly alter her life. While Natasha found herself falling into a downward spiral of depression, she learned to embrace her emotions and received them as “gifts.” By doing so, Natasha gives insight as to how she came to accept and overcome each obstacle that threatened to prevent her from moving forward in her healing journey. I feel privileged to know Natasha and to have witnessed the “butterfly” that emerged as a result of her courage. I look forward to following her journey of growth in the years to come."


"Can fear be a gift? That isn’t a question I ponder very often. I suppose one could argue various scenarios in which this feeling, one all us humans have varying degrees of experience with, could be seen as a benefit when studying the big picture of our lives. What about depression? Resentment? How about just getting to the prime age of the human experience and suddenly having a stroke? It seems to get harder and harder to justify any of these things as ‘gifts’ the further down the rabbit hole we go. But then we encounter Natasha, and her true story forged straight from the heart. She has taken an uncommon, nearly unthinkable situation, and broken it down, detail by detail, feeling by feeling, lesson by lesson, then presented it unabashedly for the world to see. I would like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and think that no one would wish a stroke on anybody. But they still happen, and to people in all walks of life.


Sometimes they happen to the person one would least expect, and I believe Natasha’s situation would be categorized that way. A young, beautiful, spirited woman, dealing with the same issues people her age deal with: jobs, relationships, discovering who she really is, suddenly put into a dramatic, unknown trajectory. What does one do? What thoughts and feelings come with such an epic event? Is it possible to pick up the pieces that break off during such trials, and will they reattach and fit back together?


Natasha has taken her story and gone the extra mile by doing the work to answer such questions. When faced with adversity, she bravely, authentically dealt with these, and more questions that came before her, allowing her to do a deep dive on her beliefs, priorities, core values and analyze how she used to look at the world vs how she will moving forward. She decided to embrace all she went through and accept everything that came as gifts. The beautiful thing about her presentation is that we can all relate to much of it…fear, resentment, depression, unexpected setbacks, and more. We can use Natasha’s story as a blueprint; how to make these feelings into tools for the building project called life, a project that is never completed. A project that sometimes suffers massive setbacks, and even sometimes forces us to rebuild right from scratch. Natasha has done just that and shared the design with all of us. She did a bunch of very difficult heavy lifting, and this volume is a heartfelt, beautiful account of her experience and the gifts she received in doing so."  

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- Mike Chisholm, Co-Author, She Changed Me; One Ordeal, Two Perspectives, Host of He Cast the official podcast of

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